As of today, Tesla stock has risen 9% and sales rose up to almost $6 billion. At this point, Elon Musk is projected to be paid $750 million stock worth, a $50 million dollar boost from yesterday’s predictions.
According to the Observer, the compensation plan, created back in 2018, consists of 12 tranches throughout 2028. If these tranches are fully paid out, Musk will be the highest-paid business executive in U.S. history.
The latest 6 month earnings average now stands at $96 billion. Tesla is still maintaining the goal of half a million cars delivered despite the pandemic.
At the same time, Musk is eager for the market to open up. In a tweet early wednesday morning after news of Texas restaurants and other businesses are allowed to reopen on friday, Elon Musk calls for America to reopen:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 29, 2020
Despite the growth in stock, delivery for the Model Y is now set back to 2021. Though, Yahoo News reports that Tesla is expecting to open production for the Model Y in the Fermont factory and Model 3’s at a factory in Shanghai. Tesla also claims that the capacity of the factories are able to exceed 500,000 vehicles.
It is clear to see that Tesla and Elon Musk do not break under pressure and double down on the promise of delivering a half a million cars in the midst of a global pandemic. After a rise in stock and 6 month average, Tesla is unstoppable.
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